Your Favorite Plants Can Even Take Your Life

Everyone from you knows that plants are good for us they not only give us oxygen but also food, but very few people know that plant could be enough dangerous to take our lives. As a result of urbanization the need of landscaping around the housing societies and parks has been increased. Some gardeners even don’t know that they are growing some of the world's deadliest plants.

Eat Apples but with care:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a proverb that we learn in our childhood but it must be like that a seedless apple a day keeps the doctor away because seeds of the Apple can become the reason of your death. The apple’s seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides it can be poisonous if ingested in a heavy dose.
Don’t need to worry, as 200 apple seeds, or about 20 apple cores are required for poisonous effects. So whenever you serve apples to guests or to your Childs prefer to remove the central core and seeds to keep the doctor away from them in true sense.

The killing beauty of Daffodils:
Narcissus or daffodils are known for their beauty. The bulb of the daffodils is used for its propagation but if it could be eaten mistakenly it can cause death. Normally the whole daffodil plant is poisonous as it contains two alkaloids, narcissine (lycorine) and galantamine as well as the glycoside scillaine (scillitoxin). Eating about half of bulb results in an unpleasant stomach upset lasting a couple of days but more can be deadly.

Deadly features of Castor plants:
Castor oil is long been used for its medicinal value but you will not believe that it plant is most poisonous in the world.
The plant contains a toxin called ricin, it is concentrated in the seeds / beans (castor oil is made). Raw seeds are enough to kill a human, in 2 days, which makes for a long, agonizing wait for death. The first symptoms will be tested within a few hours and will include an irritated throat and mouth, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and vomiting. The process is stopped and the exact cause of death will be dehydrated.
Strangely, 1-4 seeds are enough to kill a grown man, 11 for dogs and 80 for ducks. This shows that human being is most sensitive of castor seeds. Per castor plant currently holds the Guinness World Record for the most toxic plant.