Attract Butterflies in Your Flower Gardens

It will be amazing if your garden is full of colorful flowers, full of fragrance and the butterflies are enhancing the charm of your garden. Your garden will be not less than a paradise if it all has these combinations. Therefore, if you want to have butterflies in your garden, then you must know the flowers, which are liked by them. Butterflies waving from flower to flower will carry your garden to a new life. This life is more colorful and attractive to people visiting the gardens.

What is important to have the butterfly gardens?
Butterflies are one of the beautiful and most interesting creatures on Earth. Before planting the butterfly garden, you must know about some information about the butterflies. The plants that are liked by the butterflies are the one from which the butterflies get their food. Butterflies love to lay eggs and live in the gardens among the flowers. There are various sizes of butterfly gardens. It depends upon the number of flower species you have in your garden. 
 Start with a research to know about the kinds of butterflies present in your locality. Make a list of all those butterflies and write down the number of flowers upon which these butterflies are attracted. The plants must be native to your area so that they can adopt in your climatic conditions.
Now you have to add your interest and liking. You like either tall growing plant or shrubs. Obviously, the garden first must appeal you and make yourself satisfied. You must know the growing patterns of the flower either they are annuals or perennials. Make the design of your garden in such a way that annuals and perennials plants must be best fitted.

Basic needs of butterfly garden:
Attractive butterflies can be a welcome by giving some addition to your garden. Butterflies are welcomed not just for their beauty but they also play an important role in pollinating the flowers. There are certain flowers from which butterflies get nectar, some of them are those on which they lay eggs.
·         The type of plant and its color:
Some butterflies are attracting towards some specific colors. Mostly yellow, pink and red colors appeal the flowers. Cluster flowers are more important to attract the butterflies.

·         Plants good in nectar:
Plants need full sunlight to have good quantity of nectars. Plants with good quantity of nectars attract more butterflies for food. Thus, they not only get the food but also pollinate the flowers. Butterflies like to visit the flowers for food in the sun. It shows that plants must be in the sun so that the flowers attract the butterflies with best location and good quantity of nectars.

·         Pattern of planting:
Try to plant the flowers by proper planning. When the annuals finish the flowering then the perennial flowers must be there to attract the butterflies. In short, your garden must have some flowers during the completely growing season.

The pair of butterflies and the flowers is perfect. Establish your garden in such a way to have this perfection, so that the visitors can enjoy the beauty of nature in your garden.