Desert Flowers:Flowers that makes the deserts more beautiful place

When we say that flower is the most beautiful creation of the nature then mostly we thought about the garden flowers or when we saw the most beautiful flower in our lawn. These words seem very small when we see flowers in the deserts. Desert is mostly considered as the place of death and sand with no water and vegetation. But some plants have managed to live in the desert environment and among those plants the flowering plants are the most beautiful part of the desert. The colors of the flowers appeal everyone in the sand of desert.

Desert Bluebell is the desert’s beauty:
Desert bluebell is a small plant of height about 10-25 inches. It produces large number of flowers in summer. It prefers properly drained soil like other plants native to desert. Desert bluebell loves to grow in full sunlight and produces charming blue flowers. The white color stamens of the bluebell flower increase the beauty of the flower. Desert bluebell is annually growing plant propagated through seeds under favorable conditions. In desert areas it is mostly grown as border plant.

Chinese Houses a flower of desert:
Chinese houses plant is herbaceous that grow only for one season. It is named after its shape that resemble with pagoda. Unlike to other desert plants Chinese houses aren't inhabitant to hot desert regions instead they are found in higher elevations and in coastal areas. They need some shade to grow properly and flower vigorously. The plant of Chinese house flower is single stemmed reached to height of 1.5 feet. The purple color flowers are alternatively arranged on the stem. The beautiful color pattern and the shape of the flower is the uniqueness of the Chinese house flower.

Beautiful Arizona Poppy flower in the desert:
The flower of Arizona poppy is very beautiful and charming in the environment of desert, sometime it is called as summer poppy. It is herbaceous plant that will grow vigorously after the rainfall is received in the desert. Its bushy appearance in combination with yellow flowers looks beautiful. The color of the Arizona poppy flower varies from bright yellow to orange. Unlike the Chinese house flower summer poppy love to live in full sun and shade will stop the growth of the plant. Poppy can be grown in any kind of soil except the clayey soil.

California Desert Buckwheat makes the desert beautiful:
It is most beautiful desert flower as it has dense white color flower at the top of single stemmed plant. The best part of California desert buckwheat is that it tolerates drought and cold. It produces the flower over an extended period of time. Some species of California Desert Buckwheat also produces flowers with pink color. In summer season the stem of the plant turn reddish with white flower at the top thus making the whole plant more attractive.

Flowers not only make the gardens, offices and interior of homes beautiful but also the desert. This little information will increase your interest to discover and study more about desert flowers.