World’s food production, Who is the main player?

The global food kitchen does not contain any single commodity, each region and country has its specific food which is eaten by maximum of the community. The most recent survey reveals that among the most produced crops sugar cane stood first with annual production of about 1.9 billion tons while with 1 billion tons of annual production maize is at second number. Rice is ranked on third, wheat on 4th and potato on 5th number in annual world production.

Main producers of the World’s food:
There are two main ways to access the production of any country, either by the amount (tons) of production or cost value (dollars) of production. United States, China, India and Russia appear as leaders in the production of pulses and vegetables. China is also leading producer of rice. For millet India and Nigeria are the main producers. A survey of year 2013 reveals that China, India and Brazil are the main producers of fruits.

Main exporters of the World’s food:
When we look at the major exporters of the agricultural commodities it is very clear that United States, Thailand and China are the major exporters of wheat, rice and fish respectively. Spain is the world's main exporter of fresh fruits and vegetables. Brazil is the major citrus exporter and India, China and Pakistan are main exporter of Mangoes in the world.

Contribution of Agriculture in GDP of different countries:

It is a very interesting question that which country produces maximum food and which country export most of its produce. China has a big name in production of wheat, rice, potato, corn and sugar cane, the agriculture sector of china contributes 10% to its gross domestic product (GDP). The United States has the most mechanized agriculture sector and GDP contribution is of worth $17 trillion. Among developing countries the agriculture sector of India contributes about 18% to its GDP and employs 45% of its population. Pakistan’s agriculture sector contributes about 24 GDP and employs 47 percent of the national employed labor force.